First Complete Columbian Mammoth Tusk Discovered in Mississippi

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Amateur fossil hunter Eddie Templeton made a remarkable discovery in Madison County, Mississippi, when he found a completely intact 7-foot-long Columbian mammoth tusk while wading through a creek. This find, confirmed by George Phillips from the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, is significant as it is the first complete mammoth tusk discovered in the state, offering valuable insights into the region's prehistoric wildlife.

The tusk, estimated to be between 11,700 and 75,000 years old, was initially mistaken for a mastodon tusk due to Templeton's previous finds. However, its distinctive curvature indicated it belonged to a mammoth. The fossil, weighing 600 pounds with its protective plaster jacket, is currently being preserved and will be displayed at the museum's annual Fossil Road Show next March.

Templeton's discovery highlights the rarity of mammoth fossils in Mississippi, as they are much less common than mastodon remains. This find not only enriches the understanding of the area's ice age fauna but also captivates public interest in prehistoric life.