Ukrainians Watch Their Troops’ Counteroffensive with Mix of Satisfaction and Fear

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As Ukrainian forces advance into Russian territory, residents near the border express a blend of satisfaction and fear. Many, like Hanna Fedorkovska, feel a sense of justice for the Russian invasion but worry about potential retaliation. The ongoing counteroffensive has led to increased evacuations from border areas, with many families torn apart as loved ones choose to stay behind.

While some Ukrainians celebrate the military gains, they remain anxious about the consequences. Reports indicate intensified aerial attacks from Russia, prompting fears of a repeat of past tragedies like the siege of Mariupol. Local officials note a surge in evacuations as the situation escalates, with many residents feeling trapped and vulnerable.

Despite the risks, some believe the counteroffensive sends a strong message to Russia. However, concerns about a possible aggressive response from Moscow linger, leaving many Ukrainians uncertain about the future and the path to peace.