Thousands fleeing parts of southern Gaza after Israeli military reissues evacuation order

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Following renewed evacuation orders from the Israel Defense Forces, thousands of Palestinians are fleeing southern Gaza, particularly from Deir al-Balah. Many are seen carrying their belongings on foot or in vehicles, as the streets are filled with leaflets urging evacuation. The UN reports that 84% of Gaza is now under evacuation orders, while the humanitarian zone has shrunk significantly.

Residents express despair and confusion, with some stating this is their fourth or seventh evacuation since the conflict escalated. The ongoing bombardment and lack of safe areas leave many feeling hopeless, as they are forced to leave their homes repeatedly without knowing where to go next.

The situation is dire, with reports of disease, hunger, and a lack of basic necessities. Displaced individuals are calling for international assistance, highlighting the urgent need for a solution to their plight amid the ongoing conflict.