Gaza Nurse Loses Whole Family, Including Quadruplets, in Strike

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Ashraf El Attar, a nurse in Gaza, lost his wife Hala Khattab and their six children, including quadruplets, in an airstrike that destroyed their home in Deir al-Balah. The attack occurred early Sunday morning while he was preparing for work, leaving him with minor injuries but devastating emotional trauma.

El Attar described the moment of the strike, recalling how he lost consciousness and later found his home in ruins. His family had spent the previous night together, trying to escape the harsh realities of war, only to be caught off guard by the attack.

Now, El Attar is left to grapple with the loss of his entire family and the dreams he had for their future. He demands justice for his family, vowing to pursue accountability through international courts, while the Israeli Defense Forces maintain that they target armed groups and blame civilian casualties on Hamas.