MIT Confirms Legal Documents Are Difficult to Read

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A recent study by MIT cognitive scientists has confirmed that legal documents are intentionally written in a complex style, making them hard to understand for the average person. The research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that even non-lawyers tend to use convoluted language when tasked with drafting laws, reflecting an implicit belief that legal writing must sound authoritative.

The study identified a specific writing pattern known as 'central embedding,' where lengthy definitions are inserted within sentences, complicating comprehension. Participants in the study consistently employed this complex structure when writing laws, but used simpler language for narratives about the same topics, indicating a conscious choice to differentiate legal language.

These findings highlight the need for more accessible legal texts, as understanding legal language is crucial for public engagement with laws. The researchers aim to explore the historical evolution of legal language to further improve its clarity without losing its authoritative tone.